days of fog and fungi


Jungle-blossom fungi
cluster around tree stumps;
the air smells of woodsmoke

I think I’ve finally worked out the distance for the macro setting on my borrowed camera. (Yes, yet another camera has packed up on me; I really do need to get a good one and take proper care of it.)

I lost count of the different sorts of hongos I came across while raking leaves for yesterday’s bonfire, but the one in the picture was probably the prettiest. Googling suggests it’s a bracket fungus, possibly a ‘turkeytail’.

We’ve had a lot of rain recently, with some bright sunny days interspersed, which is perfect for all sorts of ‘mushrooms’, but I have no idea what is edible and what isn’t. Wanting to make a mushroom risotto, I asked in the greengrocer’s why there were no níscalos. The guy laughed: “hay tantos que no los puedo vender.” It seems that the locals are confident about their mycologic knowledge and gather their own. I suppose it’s something handed down through the generations by the people who survived to tell which fungi they had eaten and which they had avoided.

There is certainly still a strong rural feeling in the area: everyone from the supermarket check-out girl to the bank teller is conscious of how the weather affects whatever produce is in season and whatever task is on the agricultural calendar.

One time when I commented about being fed up of the rain, a neighbour retorted, “Si queremos níscalos, tiene que llover.” Which seems to be a variation on the old saying: “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs” – you can’t make a mushroom omelette without rain.

Author: don't confuse the narrator

Exploring the boundary between writer and narrator through first person poetry, prose and opinion

6 thoughts on “days of fog and fungi”

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    1. I think if you visit the bars en el pueblo at this time of year you probably get so sick of hongos that you wouldn’t want to buy and cook them at home anyway. But of course practically all the local recipes include jamón. So, me quedo con las ganas.


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