autumn berries

rowan berries

I said yesterday that there still seemed to be a fair number of flowers around considering it’s now officially autumn. So today I went out to see if I could find something more seasonal to feature on the blog.

Hips and haws, blackberries, elderberries, snowberries, cotoneaster, yew and rowan… I went round gathering fruit from other people’s gardens and along the canal path – or at least gathering photos.


nightshade berries


Hawthorn berries


yew berries

rose hips

cotoneaster berries

rowan berries

Finally, here’s a surprise addition, which I also found today. Sadly, I fear it might be his last day out as he was looking a little ragged round the edges.


Author: don't confuse the narrator

Exploring the boundary between writer and narrator through first person poetry, prose and opinion

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