jocund company

miniature daffodils

Today is grey and snowy again.

Not big feathery flakes that pile up quickly into drifts, and not the sort that are already half melted when they hit the ground. Right now, it’s the sort of snow that might be confused with hail if it weren’t so cold; earlier it was the sort that looks as if someone is rubbing the clouds against a cheese grater.

But yesterday it was glorious. At the pavement café near the post office, people were sitting with jackets draped over the backs of the chairs and their sleeves rolled back so they could catch the first real warmth of spring.


And with spring come daffodils. It’s true that I saw the first daffodil in flower in the churchyard about eight weeks ago, but now they are everywhere. All different sizes and all different shades of yellow. But all, quite clearly, daffodils.

I’m glad I took some photos. And I’m sharing them here to brighten your day, whatever the weather is, whenever and wherever you are reading this.

miniature daffodils


miniature daffodils



Author: don't confuse the narrator

Exploring the boundary between writer and narrator through first person poetry, prose and opinion

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